I am really happy with the standard I managed to get my website to after realising I wasn't able to learn how to create a website from coding it myself in the time available. I should have managed my time more efficiently at the start of the project to allow me more time to create almost a brand from the product. With better time management I could've made extra things to enhance the project such as posters and packaging for the column. Or even an advert.
I learnt that I am more capable at learning different software than I realised and that there are really useful tutorials around the internet.
What I will take forward from this project is that I should focus more on creating a coherent product, focus on branding, styles and all the small things I may overlook. By taking time to think and design all this it will make my final work stronger.
I have learnt I need to find things I am passionate about and interested in putting time into creating, so I work to the best of my ability to achieve a higher standard work. Through summer I need to discover what it is I wish to produce next year to allow myself more time to learn the necessary skills and develop an individual style that flows through all my work to narrow down what it is exactly that I want to be producing.
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